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Ferguson Dental Associates
  • © 2024 Ferguson Dental Associates 177 Gordonhurst Avenue Montclair, NJ 07043 - 973.744.3181 Contact Me 0


The new Omnicam, a 3D Color Scanner, has arrived in the office!

A new Omnicam scanner arrived in the office last week, and Dr. Ferguson could not be more thrilled to be the first practice in the area to offer this option to his patients. Ferguson Dental has used CEREC technology to create same day restorations for the last 10 years, but this recent upgrade in imaging technology improves and expands the possibilities for our patients. The new scanner creates exceptional 3D color digital scans and eliminates the need for powder based scans or messy impressions. The technology also allows Dr. Ferguson to create digital models and deliver customized porcelain restorations using the CEREC in-office milling machine in around 90 minutes. If you're interested, ask him about it... he would love to tell you all about this amazing new technology!

To learn more about he Omnicam scanner, click the link below.

In-Office Sedation

Helping patients achieve oral health while safely reducing pain and fear are priorities of Ferguson Dental Associates. As a supplement to the typical anxiety control methods of patient education, oral anti-anxiety medicines, and nitrous oxide, Dr. Ferguson has successfully partnered with Dr. Glen Atlas, a board certified anesthesiology physician, to provide safe in office sedation for the last 10 years.

This option is offered to patients who require extensive procedures or exhibit extreme dental phobia. In these situations, Dr. Ferguson treats patients while in-office sedation is safely administered and monitored by Dr. Atlas. Dr. Atlas is a full Anesthesiology Professor at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School and more information is available through his website at Dr. Ferguson is also available to answer any dental anxiety or sedation questions you may have by calling the office at 973-744-318.

Top Dentist - Montclair Magazine

Dr. David Ferguson is proud to be named to the recent list of Top Dentist in Montclair Magazine’s September, 2014 issue, the full page article is from the magazine is below.


Six Reasons to Consider Implants

Six reasons why you should consider implants instead of other solutions
  1. They look, feel and function like your natural teeth
  2. Healthy teeth do not need to be ground down to support the dental implants
  3. Anchoring dental implants in the jawbone stimulates bone tissue and gums, ensuring an attractive, esthetic result while helping to maintain facial structures
  4. Dental implants do not require any adhesives to hold the new teeth in place
  5. They eliminate the discomfort and insecurity of loose, ill-fitting dentures
  6. You have a secure, permanent tooth replacement

More information about the implant process can be found at and Dr. Ferguson always welcomes your individual questions. Call today to schedule a consultation, 973-744-3181.

A Fresh Coat of Paint for the Office

Please excuse the dust and mess as we freshen up the office with a new coat of paint. The Valley Road side of the building is complete, and the rest of the exterior painting should be finished soon!


Like Sundance only Jersier!

Ferguson Dental Associates is proud to support
The Montclair Film Festival
April 28th - May 4th
Information available at


TBT - School Visits

Ferguson Dental Associates has been visiting classrooms to educate our youngest patients for a long time. This tradition began over 18 years ago when Dr. Ferguson was still a dental student and his wife Kelly was a Baltimore City kindergarten teacher. He brought information and she helped him to make his presentation interactive and fun. This year Dr. Ferguson and his staff will have visited over 33 classes, in 7 schools, and 3 towns to speak with over 700 children! Contact the front desk to schedule a visit to your child’s school today!

Dr. David Ferguson (Baltimore, 1996)

Hygienist Geralyn Caughey in 2014


February is Children's National Dental Health Month!

Ferguson Dental is celebrating National Children’s Dental Health by visiting local classrooms and helping to educate our youngest patients on the benefits of taking care of their smiles. Ferguson Dental has been visiting local PreK through 6th grade classrooms for over 14 years. Are we scheduled to visit your child’s classroom? If not, please contact our front desk to schedule a visit today!


Are you too busy for two visits?

Turns Out You Have Better Things to do with Your Time

Technology today is changing our everyday lives. Many people, however, aren’t aware that technology also is impacting dentistry in new and exciting ways. Cutting-edge innovations in dental instruments are requiring less time in the dental chair, causing less discomfort and creating satisfying results. One breakthrough instrument, called CEREC, allows Dr. Ferguson to quickly restore damaged teeth with natural-colored ceramic fillings, saving patients time and inconvenience.

What is CEREC? 

CEREC is an acronym for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics, or CERamic REConstruction. Translated, it means that a dentist can economically restore damaged teeth in a single appointment using a high-quality ceramic material that matches the natural color of other teeth. 

How does the instrument work? 

CEREC uses CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing) technology, incorporating a camera, computer and milling machine in one instrument. Dr. Ferguson uses a special camera to take an accurate picture of the damaged tooth. This optical impression is transferred and displayed on a color computer screen, where Dr. Ferguson uses CAD technology to design the restoration. Then CAM takes over and automatically creates the restoration while the patient waits. Finally, Dr. Ferguson bonds the new restoration to the surface of the old tooth. The whole process takes about one hour. 

What does this innovation mean for you? 

A tooth-colored restoration means no more silver fillings discoloring smiles. The filling is natural-looking, compatible with tissue in the mouth, anti-abrasive and plaque-resistant. For many restorations, it is no longer need to create temporaries or take impressions and send them to a lab. Because of this, the traditional second visit can be eliminated. CEREC has two decades of clinical research and documentation to support the technology, and Dr. Ferguson has been successfully using Cerec technology to restore teeth for over a decade. The restorations have been proven precise, safe and effective. 

How can I find out if this is an option for me? 
Schedule an appointment with Dr. Ferguson.  We will be happy to answer your questions on this exciting technology. 

Learn more about this technology by clicking the link below to view an informational video.